**Now with more same-day sick appointment availability!** Call 512-255-8868 for same-day scheduling, or [join Treehouse+](https://treehousepedi.com/thpplus/) to schedule online up to 48 hours in advance!
**Now with more same-day sick appointment availability!** Call 512-255-8868 for same-day scheduling, or [join Treehouse+](https://treehousepedi.com/thpplus/) to schedule online up to 48 hours in advance!
**NEW⭐️ Saturday Sports Physicals Now Available!** Click [here](https://treehousepedi.com/services/sports-physicals/) to learn more & schedule today.
**NEW⭐️ Saturday Sports Physicals Now Available!** Click [here](https://treehousepedi.com/services/sports-physicals/) to learn more & schedule today.

Patient List Test

    [id] => pat-hR6rIfWfSofa
    [address_city] => LIBERTY HILL
    [address_country] => United States
    [address_line1] => 133 Mindy Way
    [address_line2] => 
    [address_state] => TX
    [address_zip] => 78642-4526
    [age] => 40
    [chosen_first_name] => 
    [chosen_last_name] => 
    [chosen_middle_name] => 
    [chosen_suffix] => 
    [chosen_title] => 
    [created_at] => 2024-09-05T13:13:34.436182-07:00
    [dob] => 1985-02-10
    [electronic_communication_consent_accepted] => 1
    [electronic_communication_consent_accepted_at] => 2024-09-05T13:20:31.360701-07:00
    [email] => joshangela426@gmail.com
    [external_link_id] => 
    [first_name] => Angela
    [gender] => female
    [gender_identity] => 
    [gender_other] => 
    [health_insurance_group_id] => 
    [health_insurance_member_id] => 
    [health_insurance_payer_id] => 
    [health_insurance_payer_name] => 
    [hipaa_authorization_accepted] => 1
    [hipaa_authorization_accepted_at] => 2024-09-05T13:20:31.360701-07:00
    [import_id] => 
    [import_source] => 
    [joined_practice_date] => 2024-09-05
    [last_name] => Woods
    [lead_source_other] => 
    [membership_status] => active
    [middle_name] => 
    [name] => Angela Woods
    [patient_agreement_accepted] => 
    [patient_agreement_accepted_at] => 
    [preferred_language] => en
    [pronouns] => 
    [provider_web_link] => https://app.hint.com/patients/pat-hR6rIfWfSofa
    [sex] => female
    [suffix] => 
    [terms_accepted] => 
    [terms_accepted_at] => 
    [updated_at] => 2025-03-05T00:25:51.475645-08:00
    [uses_tobacco] => 
    [account] => Array
            [name] => Angela Woods
            [past_due_in_cents] => 0

    [company] => 
    [external_records] => Array

    [known_practice] => 
    [lead_source] => Array
            [id] => lds-9mhJyumSwXBm
            [created_at] => 2024-07-29T10:24:30.027725-07:00
            [name] => Physician
            [updated_at] => 2025-03-12T10:48:30.675540-07:00

    [location] => Array
            [id] => loc-7kDEbhjpH7cL
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            [address_country] => United States
            [address_latitude] => 30.49511
            [address_line1] => 1001 Little Oak Wy
            [address_line2] => 
            [address_longitude] => -97.7237637
            [address_state] => TX
            [address_zip] => 78681
            [distance] => 
            [name] => Treehouse Pediatrics
            [phone_number] => 5122558868
            [virtual] => 
            [location_group] => Array
                    [id] => prg-ZDfQK8YHOC2L
                    [created_at] => 2024-07-29T11:30:27.707941-07:00
                    [integration_record_id] => 
                    [name] => Treehouse+
                    [updated_at] => 2024-07-29T11:30:27.707941-07:00


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            [id] => prg-ZDfQK8YHOC2L
            [created_at] => 2024-07-29T11:30:27.707941-07:00
            [integration_record_id] => 
            [name] => Treehouse+
            [updated_at] => 2024-07-29T11:30:27.707941-07:00

    [memberships] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [end_date] => 
                    [enrollment_requested_on] => 2024-09-05
                    [enrollment_status] => active
                    [member_type] => spouse
                    [start_date] => 2024-09-05
                    [status] => active
                    [uses_tobacco] => 
                    [company] => 
                    [division] => 
                    [payer] => Array
                            [id] => pat-hR6rIfWfSofa
                            [name] => Angela Woods

                    [plan] => Array
                            [id] => pln-PZ8punkew1lp
                            [name] => Treehouse Plus Family
                            [plan_type] => retail



    [merged_into] => 
    [phones] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [number] => 2158736140
                    [type] => mobile

            [1] => Array
                    [number] => 2487199991
                    [type] => home

            [2] => Array
                    [number] => 2158736140
                    [type] => mobile


    [practitioner] => Array
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            [accepts_enrollments_from_retail] => 1
            [bio] => 
            [created_at] => 2024-06-11T12:45:55.640751-07:00
            [education] => Array

            [email] => 
            [gender] => female
            [gender_other] => 
            [integration_record_id] => 
            [max_patient_age] => 
            [min_patient_age] => 
            [name] => Shannon Mooney, MD
            [online_signup_visibility] => 1
            [panel_size] => 259
            [panel_size_limit] => 
            [photo_url] => https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hint-api-production/practitioners/000/147/163/photos/original.jpeg?1722273196
            [updated_at] => 2025-03-11T18:32:48.422319-07:00
            [locations] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [id] => loc-7kDEbhjpH7cL
                            [address_city] => Round Rock
                            [address_country] => United States
                            [address_latitude] => 30.49511
                            [address_line1] => 1001 Little Oak Wy
                            [address_line2] => 
                            [address_longitude] => -97.7237637
                            [address_state] => TX
                            [address_zip] => 78681
                            [distance] => 
                            [name] => Treehouse Pediatrics
                            [phone_number] => 5122558868
                            [virtual] => 
                            [location_group] => Array
                                    [id] => prg-ZDfQK8YHOC2L
                                    [created_at] => 2024-07-29T11:30:27.707941-07:00
                                    [integration_record_id] => 
                                    [name] => Treehouse+
                                    [updated_at] => 2024-07-29T11:30:27.707941-07:00



            [npi] => Array
                    [first_name] => SHANNON
                    [last_name] => MOONEY
                    [number] => 1457428609
                    [organization_name] => 
                    [type] => individual

            [specialties] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [id] => spe-apXIw8zZJkTb
                            [name] => Pediatrics



    [practitioner_group] => Array
            [id] => prg-ZDfQK8YHOC2L
            [created_at] => 2024-07-29T11:30:27.707941-07:00
            [integration_record_id] => 
            [name] => Treehouse+
            [updated_at] => 2024-07-29T11:30:27.707941-07:00

    [sponsorships] => Array

    [integration_error_message] => 
    [integration_last_synced_at] => 
    [integration_record_id] => 
    [integration_sync_status] => enabled
    [integration_web_link] => 