**Now with more same-day sick appointment availability!** Call 512-255-8868 for same-day scheduling, or [join Treehouse+](https://treehousepedi.com/thpplus/) to schedule online up to 48 hours in advance!
**Now with more same-day sick appointment availability!** Call 512-255-8868 for same-day scheduling, or [join Treehouse+](https://treehousepedi.com/thpplus/) to schedule online up to 48 hours in advance!
**NEW⭐️ Saturday Sports Physicals Now Available!** Click [here](https://treehousepedi.com/services/sports-physicals/) to learn more & schedule today.
**NEW⭐️ Saturday Sports Physicals Now Available!** Click [here](https://treehousepedi.com/services/sports-physicals/) to learn more & schedule today.

Debug Patient Matching

Welcome to


Congratulations on signing up for Treehouse+. To finish the process, you'll need to create a member account on our website. Please fill out the short form below to link your Hint Health account with our website.

Password must contain the following:

A lowercase letter
A capital (uppercase) letter
A number
A special character (&, *, !, etc.)
Minimum 8 characters

Contact us if you have any questions, and we would be more than happy to chat with you. 

Included in the



  • Patient forms, sports physicals, and FMLA paperwork can be handled without an office visit (if we have seen you in person in the last 12 months) at no charge
  • No-visit prescription refills when appropriate 
  • No afterhours, weekends and emergency visit surcharges 
  • Special Saturday well check clinics for THP+ families
  • Access to our Treehouse+ Patient Portal where families can learn and get informed through exclusive patient education
  • Resources, specialists, and bridges to groups of people in similar life stages to help you along the way
  • Ability to schedule appointments online

Exclusive Access to



Seeing our patients in person is only one aspect of our job; the other is putting resources at your fingertips to help families parent and raise their kids confidently for the long haul. Access to the THP+ Online Education Platform & Support Programs include:

  • Treehouse staff will facilitate connections and collaborations with providers and resources to assist with sleep training, nutritional and gut assessment, ADHD management, nutrition planning, parenting coaching, potty training, and managing picky eating 
  • Comprehensive courses, developed from our holistic child-centered approach and family education programs
  • Informational videos, one-page info. sheets, and other resources created in collaboration with our community partners who are experts in their fields 
  • Parents can also seek referrals to these practices through our office if desired